Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Brunettes: did you ligten your hair to make it look "warmer"? what brand did you use?

examples: clairol, herbal essences. by the way, i have medium brown hair.

Brunettes: did you ligten your hair to make it look "warmer"? what brand did you use?

the best way to brighten your hair a little bit is to simply go out in the sun.

that works for me turning my hair a little lighter but not tooo light and it's all natural.

= ]

Brunettes: did you ligten your hair to make it look "warmer"? what brand did you use?

i lighten my hair for more of an auburn effect, its normal color is chocolate or dark brown, i also color it to hide the grey..getting i use the cheapest or whatever i find a coupon for. the last one i used was herbal essence i think that also provides highlights and something.

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