Monday, July 27, 2009

How much will it cost for my hair?

How much will it cost to dye my hair black at a salon? i have medium length hair.. goes down at about a lil above the middle of my back? how about a trim aswell?

How much will it cost for my hair?

All salons vary in price and the price of a service if lower than hundreds of dollars doesn't mean the salon is crappy that is not entriely true. It's the colorist that matters not the price so don't get that twisted. A salon I worked at actually used very poor color products (professional but not the best) that would fade out really quick or even dry the hair. They charged 110 bucks for a color service to start and it went up as the hair length was longer.. Just a lil tip =oD

How much will it cost for my hair?

My Advise.


How much will it cost for my hair?

Look in yellow pages and ring and ask for a quote there are lits of different hairdressers wiht different prices!! And they will try there hardest too not dye your hair black!! Its a nasty colour!! Averagly 鎷?0

How much will it cost for my hair?

My hair is medium length it cost 45, but I did brown...

btw don't go black its the worst colour to go, if you ever want to go lighter you can't... if you try to bleach it it won't bleach very well, I had to wait two years for my black hair came out...

and then I had to cut my hair really short so no black hair was left.

I have pretty long hair now, its about almost near the middle fo my back (just cut it, it was at the middle)...

btw, my hair was to about under my ears... that was 6 months ago.

How much will it cost for my hair?

my aunt works at studio 4 hair salon. so i have kinda an idea. probably about $40-50. it depends on where you go

How much will it cost for my hair?

as someone who's done this a million times, I'd suggest doing a dark dark DARK brown, as black is impossible to get out. You can lift, or lighten, other colors without bleach, but black must be bleached, and then your hair turns orange. Then they ahve to do another treatment on it to get out the orange, and then finally color it to the shade you want. It's a very expensive, and very long, process that does a number on your hair.

If you do decide to do this, depending on salon, anywhere from $40 to $150.

How much will it cost for my hair?

It really varies depending on the salon. You'll spend anywhere from $40-$150 depending on how high end the place is. And a trim anywhere from $10-$50.

Is your hair blonde, or light colored? Be careful with dying it black, you may not be able to bleach or dye your hair back to the color is was before, you'll have to let it grow out.

How much will it cost for my hair?

O wow people think you wanted an opinion about what they thought about your hair really depends on what kind of salon you go to and your location.... I live in a major city and i can get my hair dyed and mine is about the same lenght as yours (by the way a salon will consider that long hair) usually starting around $60 american because hair that long usually takes two units of the dye. And fyi $60 is going to a crappy salon, and beware of that as they may fry your hair as has happened to me many times.... now... I dye my hair black all the time, I also switch it up sometimes and go red, or light brown... and if you have a good stylist they will let you know up front about how dye sets in your hair and if it will come out, and i have never had a single problem. I have a really great stylist, i see her for a consultation before we do any work on my hair and a dye and cut usually costs me around $120

good luck... just call around

How much will it cost for my hair?

i would go with dark brown because black can make your hair look damaged. and it might cost u any where from 50-85 dollars depending on where u go and get it down at if u go to a real Sloan u might pay a little more but at small town beauty shops not much it always cost more to highlight your hair than dye it because it takes so long it cost me to get my hair done cut and highlighted around 50 so if just depends on how much you are willing to spend if u wont to stay around the cheap side u can do it you self for about 15-20 i would us frutis or loreal or Revlon u will need two of them but it wont look as good when someone else does it that knows what they are doing

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