Sunday, July 26, 2009

I want to do something crazy with my hair... help?

ok so i have medium lengh hair...a little longer than my sholders and i already have side swooped bangs...but idk im getting bored w/ my hair and i want the kind of choppy look also i wanted to get some sweet highlights and lowlights...i already have a kind of dark strawberry blond hair and i was thinking maybe some reds and browns? any suggestions? i really havent taken a chance like this b4...and i dont wanna look like a total dusch afterwards..hah

I want to do something crazy with my hair... help?

if you want something fun....i would try a red, blue or black, die on the tips of your hair and bangs. i used to have bangs and my hair is the same length as yours(also blonde). i tried it and it thought it was awsome.i used temporary die of course so if i didnt like it it would come out in a few showers...i would reccomend the same....have fun and good luck

I want to do something crazy with my hair... help?

go platinum or jet black...or get bangs that go straight across your forehead. or both! orr get dreadlocks or a perm or something. you could also do light blonde with jet black or somehting. that all sounds crazy...or even pink. pinks prettyy..good luck!

I want to do something crazy with my hair... help?

Try braiding your hair into two French braids, then wind them in tight coils to the top of your head, one on each side, like cinnamon buns. Accent with cute jeweled bobbypins or, better yet, an enameled butterfly pin in the center of each to hold it in place. Braid in tiny, sparkly glass beads for a touch of shimmer.

I want to do something crazy with my hair... help?

u could get layers brown highlites would look cute

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