Sunday, July 26, 2009

I want to dye my hair but my mom wont let me but i want high lights! what should i do??

i have brown hair blue eyes pale skin and side bangs and medium length hair! would it look good?

I want to dye my hair but my mom wont let me but i want high lights! what should i do??

Well, I don't know how old you are, but my advice is to listen to your mom. For 2 reasons: First, what parents do might not always make sense to you now, but once you've grown up and had more experience you might see things differently. Second, in ten years is it really going to matter if you got highlights in your hair? I'd save the rebellion for something more important.

I want to dye my hair but my mom wont let me but i want high lights! what should i do??

probably so..but don't go against your moms word.

I want to dye my hair but my mom wont let me but i want high lights! what should i do??

it will be too much

I want to dye my hair but my mom wont let me but i want high lights! what should i do??

I love your brown hair and blue eyes, and pale skin!! I think you are very pretty. The high lights will definitely ruin your natural beauty.

I want to dye my hair but my mom wont let me but i want high lights! what should i do??

Put some lemon juice on it %26amp; sit in the sun.

I want to dye my hair but my mom wont let me but i want high lights! what should i do??

yes...i have the same thing!

go with carmel if you can talk your mom into it...carmel looks so much better then just the blonde.

I want to dye my hair but my mom wont let me but i want high lights! what should i do??

if you are under 18, then you can't force your mom to allow it.

my advice?

keep your natural color...the highlights will grow out and look bad...and any color isn't good for your hair...

I want to dye my hair but my mom wont let me but i want high lights! what should i do??

get a tan

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