Sunday, July 26, 2009

I want to lighten my black hair....?

So about 7 months ago I dyed my hair black with a semi-permanent color. It's now a dark brown cuz its washed out some...but still dark. I want to achieve a little bit lighter brown and I found Loreal Excellence HiColor for Dark Hair in Coolest Brown. My medium brown hair has grown out about 3 or 4 inches though. So I was wondering if anyone has ever had experience with this brand and if there anything in particular I have to do regarding my lighter roots??? Any help would be greatly appreciated...

I want to lighten my black hair....?

Go into a beauty brands and ask a professional. You should never try to do this yourself. You can't bring a black color to a brown color like that, you will have to strip the black out before you attempt to use brown or your roots may take the brown and the black areas will only look darker. You can't lift black color to brown. Go to a local cosmetology school and ask for a student that is good with color. They are a lot cheaper there because they are still in school, but do a good job because they are fresh to the process. Save a lot of money. DO NOT do it yourself!!!! Think about it, if you color with a black sharpie marker on paper, then you try to color over the black with a brown marker, it will not make the black lighter and brown. It will look darker then the original black marker coloring. Try it.

I want to lighten my black hair....?

the colour will show on light hair and not on dark hair. its difficult for the hair that has been dyed black to pick any other colour unless the black colour goes away completely

I want to lighten my black hair....?

Go to a hairdresser and ask for a certin volume of proxide for your roots DO NOT do it yourself

I want to lighten my black hair....?

change da color of ur hair. or wet ur hair a lot and perm it.

I want to lighten my black hair....?

you know what? you should color your hair with loreal excellence whatever.. because if you have fair skin, blackish brown hair would look really bad on you. If you have more peachy skin you should still color it light brown. If you have dark skin you should just leave it. It will grow back. And if i were you , dont color your hair a lot cuz it could damage your hair...i hope this helps!!GOOD LUCK GIRL...

I want to lighten my black hair....?

just use head and shoulders shampoo. it washes out the color just fine but u have to wash ur hair @ least 2 times a day so it will be quicker.

I want to lighten my black hair....?

One time I wanted to dye my hair a dark color and it didn't turn out!! It turned black so what you need to do is put vinager in your hair and sit in the sun, And rinse your hair about five time a day. Don't wash it every day.

-Good luck

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